Making Breakfast with Dolly
Tonight I read
how Dolly Parton
always wears
high heel shoes
in her kitchen.
“Don’t you?”
she asks.
I don’t.
I wear old brown
wool slippers.
With orthotics.
I try to imagine myself
strutting into the kitchen
before the kids
go to school,
making smoothies
and scrambled eggs
in my yoga pants,
my long gray sweatshirt,
and my four-inch
Lucite stilettos.
Click, click, click
go the heels
as I teeter toward
the tea cups.
Click, click, click
as I parade
with paper towels
to the place
where the cat
has retched.
Oh Dolly,
as I slip into
these high-heeled thoughts
I thank you
for dressing up the day.
These glammed up ideas
two-step and sashay
through the morning chores,
while meanwhile
my slippered self
marvels at the fun,
but shrugs—
she’s just so darn grateful
for her arch support,
for the rubber soles
that ground her
as she sweeps
up the crumbs,
as she wipes
the counters clean.
Grateful that when
the high-heeled thoughts
start to sing,
and damn, can they sing,
they invite her
to sing along.
Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer (she/her) co-hosts Emerging Form (a podcast on creative process), Stubborn Praise (an online poetry reading series) Secret Agents of Change (a surreptitious kindness cabal) and Soul Writer’s Circle (with a meditation teacher). Her poetry has appeared in O Magazine and Poetry of Presence, on A Prairie Home Companion and PBS Newshour, and in her daily poetry blog, A Hundred Falling Veils. Her most recent collection, Hush, won the Halcyon Prize. She teaches poetry for parents, scientists, mindfulness retreats.