Fugue With Chemical Restraints & New Roommate
—With a line from Roger Reeves
The wages of thought are peeled gauze this window mesh is steel, wrought,
& cutting blizzards into diamonds these floors so orange in hall light
rooms seem pocketed from dispensary shelves each hour swallows me
each hour must lift its tongue before it sleeps
in the other bed, a boy is sentenced by his dreams
tattooed lightning branches from his eyelids to his lashes
shaved head, Reich flag for a back— in this brief, animated word
the alchemy’s familiar take his shape, take half my blood
& all my name add fields, add razor wire by the acre
this makes nations, cloud cover & all that happens under
a lover’s finger, decades later, tracing sweat along a collarbone
until he wakes, the ditches bursting into flowers
he can’t name this world will break again
but tonight I’m made to love more wildly than I’m made to end
it’s 1:00 a.m. & we are boys for now—hungry, awake,
& tasting every fruit an icicle becomes in floodlight
we forget our shoes had laces tonight, he learns my name